
How to speed up while loop with PyAutoGui?

I am making a very simple spambot for Discord just for pranking my friends. But the while True: command is very slow. Is there a faster alternative?

import PIL
import pyautogui, time
pyautogui.FAILSAFE = True
while True:
    pyautogui.hotkey("command", "v")"enter")
if (pyautogui.locateOnScreen("av.png")):


  • From the documentation:

    Like the enchanted brooms from the Sorcerer’s Apprentice programmed to keep filling (and then overfilling) the bath with water, a bug in your program could make it go out of control. It’s hard to use the mouse to close a program if the mouse cursor is moving around on its own.

    As a safety feature, a fail-safe feature is enabled by default. When a PyAutoGUI function is called, if the mouse is in any of the four corners of the primary monitor, they will raise a pyautogui.FailSafeException. There is a one-tenth second delay after calling every PyAutoGUI functions to give the user time to slam the mouse into a corner to trigger the fail safe.

    You can disable this failsafe by setting pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU DO NOT DISABLE THE FAILSAFE.

    The tenth-second delay is set by the pyautogui.PAUSE setting, which is 0.1 by default. You can change this value. There is also a pyautogui.DARWIN_CATCH_UP_TIME setting which adds an additional delay on macOS after keyboard and mouse events, since the operating system appears to need a delay after PyAutoGUI issues these events. It is set to 0.01 by default, adding an additional hundredth-second delay.

    Therefore, if you want to "speed up" your loop, you can reduce the pyautogui.PAUSE value. However, keep in mind, this will prevent you from having time to activate the failsafe if you need it.