I'm trying to create a JavaScript .js
file via the PowerShell Command-line, however, when I tried echo the file just disappears right after I create it. Is there an equal to the BASH command $ touch
in PowerShell?
I have tried the below commands but they don't work
echo file.txt
echo. file.txt
echo.>> file.txt
It looks like your in PowerShell, which is slightly different than the Windows CMD-Prompt.
$> touch
In PowerShell they the Command, a Cmdlet, and unlike BASH there is a specific Cmdlet for creating new files & directories (among other entities as well).
$> New-Item
$> touch
command with the PowerShell CmdLet $> New-item
when creating files in a shell-environment.Creating new items works a bit differently in PowerShell& than in Linux Shells (I am specifically referring to Bash in this answer).
For example, Windows PowerShell's CmdLet $> New-item
can create more than one type of item — for example, PowerShell create both directories, and files — therefore; in PowerShell, you need to specify the item type. To specify an item-type you will use the ItemType flag -ItemType <argument>
. The pseudo-argument was a place holder I added in. Actual -ItemType
arguments would be File
&/or Directory
New-Item -Path 'A:\testing\one\two\three.txt' -ItemType File
Creates the file, three.txt
in the directory two
, and the file's full pathname would be, A:\testing\one\two\three.txt
$> New-item
CmdLet is specific for creating files & directories. This is somewhat unique, as the Linux Shell BASH implements the $> mkdir
command, but it only makes directories, not files. BASH demonstrates that a SHELL doesn't have to have a command thats specificly for file creation, however; that's not to say that having a file-creation command doesn't have any benifits. But, in Windows, you can, and you should, use the New-Item
CmdLet for creating directories.
New-Item -Path 'Z:\sum-directory' -ItemType Directory
This command creates a new directory named sum-directory
. The directory is located in the drive-letter Z:\
, and the directory's full pathname would be Z:\sum-directory