
How can I fix broken image thumbnails in the Google Picker DocsView List mode without using a restricted scope?

I want to use the Google Picker API to create a Google Drive file picker for a web app I'm working on. The problem I'm running into is that in the DocsView list mode, images are displayed with broken thumbnails:

enter image description here

I'm using the scope, which is the scope recommended in Google's documentation. If I use the scope instead, the thumbnails work fine. However, this has several drawbacks:

  1. The drive.readonly scope is restricted, which requires the app to go through restricted scope verification and a security assessment.

  2. This scope has more permissions than the app requires, and more than the end user may want to grant ("See and download all your Google Drive files" is the language in the OAuth consent screen.)

In my opinion the correct behavior when using the recommended drive.file scope should be to display the generic image icon (like this: generic image icon) rather than make use of thumbnail URLs that are guaranteed to return 403 errors and thus the browser's broken image icon, which is not a great look.

Is there a workaround? Thanks!

UPDATE: There's some question as to whether the drive.readonly scope is restricted. I'm pretty sure it is: screenshot of scopes documentation

UPDATE 2: It looks like the documentation is wrong -- in GCP it's listed as a sensitive scope in the OAuth app registration. See comment by @ziganotschka below. Also, I've created a new tracker issue.


  • Two things:

    1. As per documentation, only the following scopes are restricted: (includes any usage of IMAP, SMTP, and POP3 protocols) is not on the list, and thus - not restricted, but only sensitive.

    1. The issue with the 403 error and broken thumbnails is well known and multiply reported on Google Issue's Tracker. However, it looks like it is intended behaviour.

    So the only workaround would be to go ahead and use the scope - do not worry about problems with verification.