In my current application after the users logs in with google (passport strategy), I generate a JWT token on the server and then I have no idea how to send it back whilst also redirecting the user to the front end website.
While searching I read that the front end should fetch the token but does that mean I have to cache the JWT until it is requested and set some cookie with the key to get the token in cache? I tried doing that but that felt like I was reinventing the wheel and opening my self to some security vulnerability.
Unfortunately, the accepted answer does not seem to answer the question. It is a good answer for sending from the frontend (e.g. web application) to a backend (API or similar).
But I understand that you want to send the token from the backend to the frontend. In this case, there are several way to transmit that token. They are widely used by OAuth2 Framework protocol.
This is one of the most used technic. The backend sever generates a redirect response (status code 303) with the token in the query string. As an example
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
You can also use a fragment property
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
Another method very similar is to generate a unique and one-time-use code that will be exchanged for the token using an additional request.
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
On the fronted side, get the code and ask the token to the backend (using fetch)
POST /give/me/the/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "xxxxxxx"
There are several threats you have to consider. They are described in RFC6819, but mitigations exist.
parameter should be used (section 3.6)In addition, you should have a look at the RFC7636. This specification defines a way to protect the code
against theft by using a random secrt generated on client side.