
How can I create a new unique name jmeter.log file each time a CLI command is run?

Whenever I run a new jmeter command from the CLI a new jmeter.log file is generated and I lose the contents written by the previous test run.


First I run the test script with :

jmeter -n -p .\ -t .\path\to\jmeterScripFile.jmx -l .\path\to\jmeterScriptOutputFile.jtl

This generates a fresh jmeter.log file.

Then I run this command to generate a HTML Dashboard report:

jmeter -g  .\path\to\jmeterScriptOutputFile.jtl  -o .\path\to\TestResults\ReportHTML

This 2nd command overrides the previous jmeter.log file contents.

I would like each jmeter CLI command to generate a unique .log file. Something like jmeter-yyyymmdd-hhMMss

How could I achieve this?


    1. You can override the default jmeter.log file name using -j command-line argument like

      jmeter -j your-custom-log-name-here.log -n -t .....

      the timestamp can be added by means of your operating system

    2. If you want to make the change permanent and don't want to provide the new log file name via -j command-line argument you can amend the log file prefix via log4j2.xml file like

      change this line:

      <File name="jmeter-log" fileName="${sys:jmeter.logfile:-jmeter.log}" append="false">

      to something like:

      <File name="jmeter-log" fileName="jmeter-${date:yyyyMMdd-hh-mm-ss}.log" append="false">

      More information: How to Configure JMeter Logging