
Microsoft SSAS-Tabular Model (TM) connection to Power BI via Import mode - 'not enough memory available for the application'

I have a rudimentary question, when connecting an SSAS-TM (SQL Server Analysis Services - Tabular Model) database (on-premise) in my own local machine to my Power BI Desktop (also in my local machine) via Import mode.

I am not at all familiar with the memory allocation parameters.

The relational database I have is a very simple AdventureWorksDW. I develop a SQL Server Analysis Services - Tabular Model project, using Visual Studio 2015, and deploy the Project as a new database in the Analysis Services Engine. I am able to query tables in this SSAS-TM database in the following format in the SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), using DAX language:

EVALUATE 'tablename'

However, when I try to connect this SSAS-TM database to my Power BI Desktop via an Import connection, I get the following error.

AnalysisServices: The operation has been cancelled because there is not enough memory available for the application. If using a 32-bit version of the product, consider upgrading to the 64-bit version or increasing the amount of memory available on the machine.

I have the properties from the SSMS in this image file.enter image description here

I tried to refer some links related to setting up some Vertipaq memory parameters, after referring some links in learn.microsoft.com. It has not been useful to me.

My simple question is this:

What properties do I need to change in the image file above to make this connection successful? This is only training, so am using Adventure Works DW here. So size is not an issue. My laptop has a lot of memory and disk space, and is 64-bit. The Power BI Desktop is 64-bit.

Can someone help me ?


  • The Power BI connector for Analysis Services that has the table picker will generate an MDX query instead of a DAX query. And if you try to extract a more than a handful of rows, it will fail. It's a known issue, but low priority because.

    1. Don't import from SSAS. Use Live Connect. You've already got a Cube/Data Set, you can just connect to it and write reports.

    2. If you absolutely must import from SSAS, use a DAX query, eg

    In M:

    AnalysisServices.Database("MySSAS", "AdventureWorksDW", [Query="evaluate FactResellerSales", Implementation="2.0"])

    or in the UI

    enter image description here