
How do I get details of a veracode vulnerability report?

How do I get details of a veracode vulnerability report?

I'm a maintainer of a popular JS library, Ramda, and we've recently received a report that the library is subject to a prototype pollution vulnerability. This has been tracked back to a veracode report that says:

ramda is vulnerable to prototype pollution. An attacker can inject properties into existing construct prototypes via the _curry2 function and modify attributes such as __proto__, constructor, and prototype.

I understand what they're talking about for Prototype Pollution. A good explanation is at snyk's writeup for lodash.merge. Ramda's design is different, and the obvious analogous Ramda code is not subject to this sort of vulnerability. That does not mean that no part of Ramda is subject to it. But the report contains no details, no code snippet, and no means to challenge their findings.

The details of their description are clearly wrong. _curry2 could not possibly be subject to this problem. But as that function is used as a wrapper to many other functions, it's possible that there is a real vulnerability hidden by the reporter's misunderstanding.

Is there a way to get details of this error report? A snippet of code that demonstrates the problem? Anything? I have filled out their contact form. An answer may still be coming, as it was only 24 hours ago, but I'm not holding my breath -- it seems to be mostly a sales form. All the searching I've done leads to information about how to use their security tool and pretty much nothing about how their custom reports are created. And I can't find this in CVE databases.


  • Ok, so to answer my own question, here's how to get the details on a Veracode vulnerability report in less than four weeks and in only fifty-five easy steps.


    Day 1

    Days 2 & 3

    Day 4

    Days 5 & 6

    Day 7

    Day 8

    Day 9

    Days 10 - 11

    Day 12

    Days 13 - 14

    Day 15

    Days 16 - 21

    Day 22

    Day 23

    Day 25

    Day 27

    And that's all it takes. So the next time you run into this, you can solve it too!


    (because you knew it couldn't be that easy!)

    Day 61

    1 This is standard behavior with Ramda issues, but it might be the main reason Veracode chose to report this.

    2 Be careful not to get into an infinite loop. This recursion does not have a base case.

    3 Hey, this was taking place around Thanksgiving. There had to be an Alice's Restaurant reference!

    4 If you haven't yet found a Kevin, now would be a good time to insist that Veracode supply you with one.

    5 Including footnotes.