I'm doing an application with Jetpack Compose and Kotlin. It is an app to locate an android device. I need to implement run time permissions to follow the jetpack filosofy. I have a menu page where there is a switch that when is activate saves the location of the device but just activate the switch it is necessary to request permissions "fine_location", "coarse_location" and "back_groundlocation". This is my menu.kt code:
LazyColumn {
item {
Row {
modifier =
color = Color.Black,
text = stringResource(R.string.location_gps),
fontSize = 30.sp,
modifier = Modifier.padding(20.dp)
modifier =
contentAlignment = Alignment.CenterEnd
) {
checked = checkedStateGps.value,
onCheckedChange = { checkedStateGps.value = it },
modifier = Modifier
colors= SwitchDefaults.colors(
//color of switches
checkedThumbColor = Color(0xFF00CC99),
checkedTrackColor = Color(0xFF7BB661),
uncheckedThumbColor = Color(0xFF83010B),
uncheckedTrackColor = Color(0xFFBB4C4C)
I'd want to know how can I implement accompanist permissions for this.
In Compose you can use Google's Accompanist library to request permission at runtime, just with PermissionRequired
This is an example with camera permission but you can request any permissions you have in your manifest file as android.Manifest.permission.*
var doNotShowRationale by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) }
val cameraPermissionState = rememberPermissionState(android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA)
permissionState = cameraPermissionState,
permissionNotGrantedContent = {
if (doNotShowRationale) {
Text("Feature not available")
} else {
Column {
Text("The camera is important for this app. Please grant the permission.")
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))
Row {
Button(onClick = { cameraPermissionState.launchPermissionRequest() }) {
Button(onClick = { doNotShowRationale = true }) {
permissionNotAvailableContent = {
Column {
"Camera permission denied. See this FAQ with information about why we " +
"need this permission. Please, grant us access on the Settings screen."
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))
Button(onClick = navigateToSettingsScreen) {
Text("Open Settings")
) {
Text("Camera permission Granted")