I am going on rounds for the past 4 days with this problem and unable to figure out why. .Using Python and JWT Auth , when a user logs into our app they need to add some fields and that data needs to be filled in the Docusign template for the user to sign. Here the impersonation is not working . Every time I open the Docusign file it opens it on my creds - Admin Mode( I got consent as an admin).Not as the signer specified like below. Can someone help ?
apiClient = DsClient.update_token()
apiClient.host = "https://na3.docusign.net" + "/restapi"
with open(path.join( '/app/templates/', 'sasa.pdf'), "rb") as file:
content_bytes = file.read()
base64_file_content = base64.b64encode(content_bytes).decode('ascii')
# Create the document model
document = Document(
document_base64 = base64_file_content,
name = 'Example document',
file_extension = 'pdf',
document_id = 1
signer = Signer(
email = 'xzr@gmail.com', name = 'abc',
recipient_id = "1", routing_order = "1",
client_user_id = '123',
role_name = 'Signer'
sign_here = SignHere(
anchor_string="/sn1/", anchor_units="pixels",
anchor_y_offset="10", anchor_x_offset="20"
signer.tabs = Tabs(sign_here_tabs = [sign_here])
envelope_definition = EnvelopeDefinition(
email_subject = "Please sign this document sent from the Python SDK",
documents = [document],
recipients = recipients.Recipients(signers = [signer]),
envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(apiClient)
results = envelope_api.create_envelope(session['account_id'], envelope_definition=envelope_definition)
envelope_id = results.envelope_id
recipient_view_request = RecipientViewRequest(
results = envelope_api.create_recipient_view(account_id=session['account_id'],envelope_id=envelope_id,recipient_view_request=recipient_view_request)
return jsonify({"envelope_id": envelope_id,'redirect_url': results.url})
POST https://na3.docusign.net:8832/restapi/v2.1/accounts/f9bbb4d1-b163-40b9-9f24-8473123310dd/envelopes/dfa2eb5c-db75-45b3-b1b8-941c09750c01/views/recipient
Content-Length: 151
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: identity
Authorization: Bearer [omitted]
Host: na3.docusign.net
User-Agent: Swagger-Codegen/v2.1/3.9.0rc1/python3
X-DocuSign-SDK: Python
X-SecurityProtocol-Version: TLSv1.2
X-SecurityProtocol-CipherSuite: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
"authenticationMethod": "None",
"clientUserId": "123", "email": "xyz@gmail.com",
"returnUrl": "http://localhost:3000/", "userName": "Shilpa"
201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1466
X-DocuSign-TraceToken: eccb191e-e3f3-4cba-9f30-59f85dce54c5
The problem was there were multiple anchor_string="/sn1/" in the document so it kept failing to add a signature tab which lead to the admin view. Docusign support was able to resolve it for me .Thanks .
It would have been really nice if it was able to throw an error for it , instead it simply opened it in Admin or a view where user was able to do anything on the form.