I would like to make a SPARQL query using MAKG (Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph) (https://makg.org/) and DBPedia datasets (using SERVICE
keyword) on Apache Jena Fuseki.
Before that, I want to test some simpler queries for just MAKG such as:
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX magc: <https://makg.org/class/>
PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX fabio: <http://purl.org/spar/fabio/>
PREFIX prism: <http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT distinct ?paperTitle ?paperPubDate
?paper rdf:type magc:Paper .
?paper prism:keyword "hydrogen"^^xsd:string .
?paper fabio:hasDiscipline ?field .
?paper dcterms:title ?paperTitle .
?paper prism:publicationDate ?paperPubDate .
It retrieves papers with a keyword equals to "hydrogen"
Using MAKG endpoint https://makg.org/sparql, it's working well (result). But if I test the same query on Apache Jena Fuseki, it retrieves no row.
SELECT ?paperTitle ?paperPubDate WHERE {
SERVICE <https://makg.org/sparql> {
?paper rdf:type magc:Paper .
?paper prism:keyword "hydrogen"^^xsd:string .
?paper fabio:hasDiscipline ?field .
?paper dcterms:title ?paperTitle .
?paper prism:publicationDate ?paperPubDate .
In general, it seems like it's not working when I want to query by a specific string.
Do you have any hints?
Thank you in advance.
The makg.org server is Virtuoso which uses RDF 1.0 for data so "hydrogen"^^xsd:string != "hydrogen".
Apache Jena Fuseki uses RDF 1.1 where "hydrogen"^^xsd:string is the same as "hydrogen" .
The problem is that the query sent is sending "hydrogen" because it is reconstructing the query service-part into a string using RDF 1.1 abbreviations.
The way round this using Fuseki is to use a filter.
?paper prism:keyword ?X . FILTER(str(?X) = "hydrogen")
Strictly str()
isn't needed (SPARQL defines "=" as string-value, not same-term) but makg.org does need it.
In addition, the LIMIT needs to go to makg.org server by putting it inside the SERVICE:
SELECT ?paperTitle ?paperPubDate WHERE {
SERVICE <https://makg.org/sparql> {
?paper rdf:type magc:Paper .
?paper prism:keyword "hydrogen"^^xsd:string .
?paper fabio:hasDiscipline ?field .
?paper dcterms:title ?paperTitle .
?paper prism:publicationDate ?paperPubDate .
} LIMIT 100