I have a xts object with 3 columns and quarterly data. I would like to format my date labels with "1QYY" and successively. Now is showing "mm yyyy".
I did not understand how to use axisLabelFormatter
from dyAxis
My code:
dados_graf_1 %>%
dygraph() %>%
dySeries("PIB_sa", label = "PIB", color = "#c7940b", strokeWidth = 3) %>%
dySeries("Agro_sa", label = "Agropecuária", color = "#a9a9a9", strokeWidth = 3) %>%
dySeries("Ind_sa", label = "Indústria", color = "#206785", strokeWidth = 3) %>%
dySeries("Serv_sa", label = "Serviços", color = "#010101", strokeWidth = 3, strokePattern = "dashed") %>%
dyOptions(gridLineColor = "white", gridLineWidth = 0.2) %>%
dyLegend(show = "always", hideOnMouseOut = TRUE, width = 622) %>%
dyRangeSelector(height = 30, fillColor = "#abacae", dateWindow = c("2018-06-01", "2021-12-01"))
My dput
structure(c(59.4686002115258, 60.0003634242107, 62.3501901028889,
61.7102611737569, 62.3167251492956, 62.7386272902486, 63.5178979190809,
64.010330551864, 62.7735159185782, 63.7922085619849, 40.941808998477,
41.469578632432, 43.7163221802143, 53.8999836721848, 43.7866060869199,
43.0961440203287, 44.5155510158354, 48.2617616388888, 43.0388053925826,
48.3894575959625, 78.0053327716668, 75.2249841097006, 81.916723278062,
76.9363727724092, 80.9312975004623, 80.6444045847008, 82.2266773995473,
81.9387558324773, 80.0399787575468, 81.2163539287905, 57.3829121992107,
58.0993981656538, 58.9478082292876, 57.7405388428977, 59.1413925759281,
59.3957517630808, 59.7297910855835, 60.4324312997044, 59.9485782636543,
60.4706850605738), class = c("xts", "zoo"), index = structure(c(825638400,
833587200, 841536000, 849398400, 857174400, 865123200, 873072000,
880934400, 888710400, 896659200), tzone = "UTC", tclass = "Date"), .Dim = c(10L,
4L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("PIB_sa", "Agro_sa", "Ind_sa",
Try this solution.
Using of dyAxis
dyAxis("x", axisLabelFormatter=JS(//YourFunction//)
In your case (1QYY) it looks thus:
getQuarter <- 'function(d) {
d = d || new Date();
var n = [1,2,3,4];
var qr = n[Math.floor(d.getMonth() / 3)] + "Q";
var twoDigitsYear = parseInt(d.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2), 10);
return [qr+twoDigitsYear];
Also you need a library(htmlwidgets)
Adding to your code:
dados_graf_1 %>%
dygraph() %>%
dySeries("PIB_sa", label = "PIB", color = "#c7940b", strokeWidth = 3) %>%
dySeries("Agro_sa", label = "Agropecuária", color = "#a9a9a9", strokeWidth = 3) %>%
dySeries("Ind_sa", label = "Indústria", color = "#206785", strokeWidth = 3) %>%
dySeries("Serv_sa", label = "Serviços", color = "#010101", strokeWidth = 3, strokePattern = "dashed") %>%
dyOptions(gridLineColor = "white", gridLineWidth = 0.2) %>%
dyLegend(show = "always", hideOnMouseOut = TRUE, width = 622) %>%
dyRangeSelector(height = 30, fillColor = "#abacae", dateWindow = c("2018-06-01", "2021-12-01")) %>%
dyAxis("x", axisLabelFormatter=JS(getQuarter))
Checking the correctness: