I am trying to delete artifacts ( older than 6 months) from a list of repositories in jfrog artifactory. I am creating a spec file like below and using that spec i am deleting using jfrog cli. My query is there any way i can execute the aql in loops instead of manually updating the repo name: foobar
"files": [
"aql": {
"items.find": {
"repo": "foobar",
"$or": [
"$and": [
"modified": { "$lt": "2021-06-06T21:26:52.000Z"}
jfrog rt del --spec /tmp/foo.spec --dry-run
I want to run the aql in loops only change will be the repo name . Is there a way to do it ?
Looks we don't have direct way to achieve this, but you can make use of -spec-vars in order to pass dynamic variables through CLI command. I meant to say we can write a script to pass names of selected repositories in a loop and use --spec-vars as below:
jfrog rt del --spec test.spec --spec-vars "RepoKey=libs-release-local" --dry-run
and spec file will be looks below:
"files": [
"aql": {
"items.find": {
"repo": "${RepoKey}",
Also, there is a Artifactory Cleanup User Plugin where we can specify required repositories names to cleanup as per your needs, hence, you may refer this too.