
Apriori rule to pandas dataframe

I have a following problem. I am doing association rules mining using efficient_apriori package in python. I would like to save my rules as pandas data frame. See my code:

for rule in rules:
    dict = {
         "left" : [str(rule.lhs).replace(",)",")")],
         "right" : [str(rule.rhs).replace(",)",")")],
         "support" : [str(],
         "confidence" : [str(rule.confidence)]
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict)

Is there a better way than this?

# this output after print(rule)
{Book1} -> {Book2} (conf: 0.541, supp: 0.057, lift: 4.417, conv: 1.914)

# this output after print(type(rule))
<class 'efficient_apriori.rules.Rule'>


  • Use internal __dict__ of Rule instance:

    Setup a MRE

    # Sample from documentation
    from efficient_apriori import apriori
    transactions = [('eggs', 'bacon', 'soup'),
                    ('eggs', 'bacon', 'apple'),
                    ('soup', 'bacon', 'banana')]
    itemsets, rules = apriori(transactions, min_support=0.5,  min_confidence=1)

    Some checks

    >>> rules
    [{eggs} -> {bacon}, {soup} -> {bacon}]
    >>> str(rules[0])
    '{eggs} -> {bacon} (conf: 1.000, supp: 0.667, lift: 1.000, conv: 0.000)'
    >>> type(rules[0])
    >>> pd.DataFrame([rule.__dict__ for rule in rules])
           lhs       rhs  count_full  count_lhs  count_rhs  num_transactions
    0  (eggs,)  (bacon,)           2          2          3                 3
    1  (soup,)  (bacon,)           2          2          3                 3


    I would like to save also support and confidence.

    data = [dict(**rule.__dict__, confidence=rule.confidence,
                for rule in rules]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    # Output:
           lhs       rhs  count_full  count_lhs  count_rhs  num_transactions  confidence   support
    0  (eggs,)  (bacon,)           2          2          3                 3         1.0  0.666667
    1  (soup,)  (bacon,)           2          2          3                 3         1.0  0.666667