I have a composable with a button that launches one of the native activities (Google Settings). To test this before compose (using Robolectric) I would do something like this:
My test:
fun `MyFragment - when button clicked - starts activity`() {
// ...
val shadowActivity: ShadowActivity = Shadow.extract(activity)
val nextStartedActivity = shadowActivity.nextStartedActivity
assertEquals(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS, nextStartedActivity.action)
With compose tests (not using activity scenario) it's different. There is no activity handle, only a composeTestRule:
My test:
// ...
private val buttonNode get() = composeTestRule.onNodeWithContentDescription("Button")
fun `MyComposableToTest - when button clicked - starts activity`() {
composeTestRule.setContent {
// No possibility to get current activity
How can I assert that a new activity is started when testing a Composable?
Some context:
You are able to fetch the context from the ComposeContentTestRule like this:
lateinit var context : Context
composeTestRule.setContent {
context = LocalContext.current
and then to assert the next started activity
val shadowActivity: ShadowActivity = Shadow.extract(context as ComponentActivity)
val nextStartedActivity = shadowActivity.nextStartedActivity
assertEquals(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS, nextStartedActivity.action)