I'm trying to get the writerIdentity for a given Log router Sink. I'm able to get it using the gcloud cli : gcloud logging sinks describe --format='value(writerIdentity)' <sink-name>
But for some reason the Python SDK equivalent (shown below) returns None for all my sinks:
from google.cloud import logging_v2 as logging
logging_client = logging.Client()
for i in logging_client.list_sinks():
print(i, i.name, i.writer_identity)
Am I missing something?
For anyone running into this issue using Python SDK to retrieve writer identity I was missing a step. Apparently, while using the Python SDK we need to reload the sink configuration in order to get the writer identity. Following is the working solution:
from google.cloud import logging_v2 as logging
logging_client = logging.Client()
for i in logging_client.list_sinks():
print(i, i.name, i.writer_identity)