My question is very simple.
I wrote this program for pure entertainment. It takes a numerical input and finds the length of every Collatz Sequence up to and including that number.
I want to make it faster algorithmically or mathematically (i.e. I know I could make it faster by running multiple versions parallel or by writing it in C++, but where's the fun in that?).
Any and all help is welcome, thanks!
EDIT: Code further optimized with the help of dankal444
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
# Get Range to Check
top_range = int(input('Top Range: '))
def collatz(top_range):
# Initialize mem
mem = np.zeros(top_range + 1, dtype = np.int64)
for start in range(2, top_range + 1):
# If mod4 == 1: (3x + 1)/4
if start % 4 == 1:
mem[start] = mem[(start + (start >> 1) + 1) // 2] + 3
# If 4mod == 3: 3(3x + 1) + 1 and continue
elif start % 4 == 3:
num = start + (start >> 1) + 1
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count = 4
while num >= start:
if num % 2:
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count += 2
num //= 2
count += 1
mem[start] = mem[num] + count
# If 4mod == 2 or 0: x/2
mem[start] = mem[(start // 2)] + 1
return mem
mem = collatz(top_range)
# Plot each starting number with the length of it's sequence
plt.scatter([*range(1, len(mem) + 1)], mem, color = 'black', s = 1)
Applying numba on your code does help by much.
I removed tqdm since it does not help with performance.
import time
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
def collatz2(top_range):
mem = np.zeros(top_range + 1, dtype=np.int64)
for start in range(2, top_range + 1):
# If mod(4) == 1: Value 2 or 3 Cached
if start % 4 == 1:
mem[start] = mem[(start + (start >> 1) + 1) // 2] + 3
# If mod(4) == 3: Use Algorithm
elif start % 4 == 3:
num = start
count = 0
while num >= start:
if num % 2:
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count += 2
num //= 2
count += 1
mem[start] = mem[num] + count
# If mod(4) == 2 or 4: Value 1 Cached
mem[start] = mem[(start // 2)] + 1
return mem
def collatz(top_range):
mem = [0] * (top_range + 1)
for start in range(2, top_range + 1):
# If mod(4) == 1: Value 2 or 3 Cached
if start % 4 == 1:
mem[start] = mem[(start + (start >> 1) + 1) // 2] + 3
# If mod(4) == 3: Use Algorithm
elif start % 4 == 3:
num = start
count = 0
while num >= start:
if num % 2:
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count += 2
num //= 2
count += 1
mem[start] = mem[num] + count
# If mod(4) == 2 or 4: Value 1 Cached
mem[start] = mem[(start // 2)] + 1
return mem
# profiling here
def main():
top_range = 1_000_000
mem = collatz(top_range)
mem2 = collatz2(top_range)
assert np.allclose(np.array(mem), mem2)
For top_range = 1_000 optimized function is ~100x faster. For top_range = 1_000_000, the optimized function is about 600x faster:
79 def main():
81 1 3.0 3.0 0.0 top_range = 1_000_000
83 1 24633045.0 24633045.0 98.7 mem = collatz(top_range)
85 1 39311.0 39311.0 0.2 mem2 = collatz2(top_range)