
Left Justifications in Graphviz Nodes via HTML Formatting in Python

I'm using the Python graphviz library and my nodes are formatted with HTML.

My python code generates this node:
MyNode [label=<{Topic|<b>SubHeader</b>|field1: int<BR/>fields: dict<BR/>}>]

enter image description here

I want to left align the text on the last (fields) section.

How do I add alignment instructions only for the last section?

Graphviz supports adding \l as a justification escape code, but it does not seem to work for HTML formatted nodes.
Similarly, I cannot figure out how to add <p> tags to the HTML code.


  • 3 versions, 2 using html-like records:

    graph {
      node [shape=Mrecord]
      MyNode [label=<{Topic|<b>SubHeader</b>|field1: int<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>fields: dict<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>}>]
      node [shape=plaintext]
      MyNodeA [label=<<table style="rounded">
           <tr><td border="0">Topic</td></tr>
           <tr><td border="0"><b>SubHeader</b></td></tr>
           <tr><td border="0" align="left">field1: int</td></tr>
           <tr><td border="0" align="left">fields: dict</td></tr>       
      MyNodeB [label=<<table style="rounded">
           <tr><td border="0">Topic</td></tr>
           <tr><td border="0"><b>SubHeader</b></td></tr>
           <tr><td border="0" align="left" balign="left">field1: int<br/>fields: dict</td></tr>       

    enter image description here