
storing coordinates in array in javascript

I want to store coordinates into an array in javascript, I am new to javascript and do not have an idea how to do it.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • There are a number of ways to store x,y coordinates:

    Option 1 (every other index in an array):

    function storeCoordinate(x, y, array) {
    var coords = [];
    storeCoordinate(3, 5, coords);
    storeCoordinate(19, 1000, coords);
    storeCoordinate(-300, 4578, coords);
    coords[0] == 3   // x value (even indexes)
    coords[1] == 5   // y value (odd indexes)
    // to loop through coordinate values
    for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; i+=2) {
        var x = coords[i];
        var y = coords[i+1];

    Option 2 (simple object in an array):

    function storeCoordinate(xVal, yVal, array) {
        array.push({x: xVal, y: yVal});
    var coords = [];
    storeCoordinate(3, 5, coords);
    storeCoordinate(19, 1000, coords);
    storeCoordinate(-300, 4578, coords);
    coords[0].x == 3   // x value
    coords[0].y == 5   // y value
    // to loop through coordinate values
    for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
        var x = coords[i].x;
        var y = coords[i].y;