Hi fellow stackoverflow,
I have tinkering around delhi CEF4, REsponse filter, and try to catch load resource json responses. with the demo included here:
But the problem looks like it can only triggered once.
Is there anyway to make it triggered again and again. or everytime without reload the page?
procedure TResponseFilterBrowserFrm.Filter_OnFilter(Sender: TObject;
data_in: Pointer; data_in_size: NativeUInt; var data_in_read: NativeUInt;
data_out: Pointer; data_out_size: NativeUInt;
var data_out_written: NativeUInt; var aResult: TCefResponseFilterStatus);
I dont understand how this got triggered.
I tried to modify:
function TResponseFilterBrowserFrm.IsMyResource(const aRequest
: ICefRequest): Boolean;
TempName: string;
Result := True;
but it seems it can olny be trigered once.
I just need to add FRscCompleted := False; at the end of this procedure.
procedure TResponseFilterBrowserFrm.StreamCopyCompleteMsg (var aMessage: TMessage);