
Azure Vm Backup - change from OS Disk only to all disks

I have a virtual machine that has a backup that only includes the OS Disk. I need to change this so it includes all disks on the vm.

enter image description here

I cannot find where to do this on the Recovery Vault or the Backup Policy. I have only found documentation that is for excluding drives from the Backup Policy, not adding them.

Is it possible to add all the drives of a vm to an existing backup policy?

(Apologies, I am fairly new to azure and the vm backups so I am not sure if my terminology is correct).


  • You can use az backup protection update-for-vm with include as well the same way exclude works.

    For excluding disk:

    az backup protection update-for-vm --resource-group {resourcegroupname} --vault-name {vaultname} -c {vmname} -i {vmname} --disk-list-setting exclude --diskslist {LUN no's separated by space}

    For including disks:

    az backup protection update-for-vm --resource-group {resourcegroupname} --vault-name {vaultname} -c {vmname} -i {vmname} --disk-list-setting include --diskslist {LUN no's separated by space}


    I have a VM with 2 data disks as below:

    enter image description here

    My Backup excludes the 2 data disks:

    enter image description here

    Command to include the data disks:

    az backup protection update-for-vm --resource-group myresourcegroup --vault-name vault131 -c ansumantestvm -i ansumantestvm --disk-list-setting include --diskslist 0 1

    After running the command the output is as :

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Note : Reference on How to Install azure CLI