I need to make use of the google_geocoding package.
My code for it is:
Future<GeocodingResponse> getDatosGeocoding () async {
var resultado= (await googleGeocoding.geocoding.getReverse(LatLon(40.714224,-73.961452))) ;
return resultado;
I have been searching the package readme and I was unable to find out how to get the city and country from the GeocodingResponse.
The interface unfortunately is not that granular to directly get city and country as separate values.
But maybe this code snippet will help you:
final response = await googleGeocoding.geocoding.getReverse(LatLon(lat, lng));
if (response != null && response.results != null) {
final geocodingResponse = response.results;
if (geocodingResponse != null) {
if (geocodingResponse.isNotEmpty) {
final address = geocodingResponse[0].formattedAddress;
if (address != null) {
// address is available
Instead of formattedAddress
you could maybe also try to see what values addressComponents
contains. Unfortunately the documentation is not very specific.