How can I use namedtuple with typing.optional instead of this tuple ?
I want to to call the function in the format of result_final(power=Stats(min=12, max=None))
Thank you.
I tried with Stats = namedtuple('Stats', [Optional[int], Optional[int]])
from typing import Optional, Tuple
Stats = Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]] # min, max
def result_final(power: Stats):
min, max = power
print("min:", min, "max: ", max)
print(result_final(power=(12, None)))
# namedTuple to have result_final(power=Stats(min=12, max=None))
If it's Python 3 you can do the following.
from typing import NamedTuple
class Stats(NamedTuple):
min: Optional[int]
max: Optional[int]
See docs for further details: