I've leaned heavily on a couple other SO posts already, but can't seem to get past this one. Here are the references i've used:
Loop with a defined ggplot function over multiple dataframes
Loop in R to create and save series of ggplot2 plots with specified names
My goal is to use a loop to save each pie plot from the list of dataframes: "Sample_List" (which will be much longer). I keep getting this error though, and am stumped:
"Error: Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (1): fill, y"
# A tibble: 3 × 4
Sample_ID Potential_Sources Relative_Contribution Metric
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 SC1_18 Uintas 0 KV
2 SC1_18 Sierra Madre 22 KV
3 SC1_18 CMB 78 KV
# A tibble: 3 × 4
Sample_ID Potential_Sources Relative_Contribution Metric
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 5-SC_18 Uintas 0 KV
2 5-SC_18 Sierra Madre 29 KV
3 5-SC_18 CMB 71 KV
# A tibble: 3 × 4
Sample_ID Potential_Sources Relative_Contribution Metric
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 PL3_18 Uintas 69 KV
2 PL3_18 Sierra Madre 0 KV
3 PL3_18 CMB 31 KV
Here's what i have so far:
Sample_list <- c("DZmix_SC1", "DZmix_5_SC", "DZmix_PL3")
DZpie.fn <- function(df,title) {
df <- df %>%
mutate(Relative_Contribution = round(Relative_Contribution,1)) %>%
ggpie(df,"Relative_Contribution", label = "Relative_Contribution",
fill = "Potential_Sources", color = "white", size = 1.5,
palette = c("#636363", "#cccccc", "#969696")) +
lab.pos = c("in"),
lab.font = c(0, "bold", "black")) +
theme(legend.position = "none",
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA))
} #end DZpie.fn
for(i in Sample_list){
print(DZpie.fn(get(i), i))
And ultimately i'd like to replace the print function in the loop with a ggsave function that works... heres my effort:
ggsave(DZpie.fn, filename=paste("/outputpath/",i,".png",sep=""))
Thanks in advance for the help!!
This works for me
DZmix_SC1 <- tibble(
Sample_ID = rep('SC1_18', 3),
Potential_Sources = c('Uintas', 'Sierra Madre', 'CMB'),
Relative_Contribution = c(0,22,78),
Metric = rep('KV', 3)
DZmix_5_SC <- tibble(
Sample_ID = rep('5-SC_18', 3),
Potential_Sources = c('Uintas', 'Sierra Madre', 'CMB'),
Relative_Contribution = c(0,29,71),
Metric = rep('KV', 3)
DZmix_PL3 <- tibble(
Sample_ID = rep('PL3_18', 3),
Potential_Sources = c('Uintas', 'Sierra Madre', 'CMB'),
Relative_Contribution = c(69,0,31),
Metric = rep('KV', 3)
Sample_list <- c("DZmix_SC1", "DZmix_5_SC", "DZmix_PL3")
DZpie.fn <- function(df,title) {
df <- df %>%
mutate(Relative_Contribution = round(Relative_Contribution,1)) %>%
ggpie(df, "Relative_Contribution", label = "Relative_Contribution",
fill = "Potential_Sources", color = "white", size = 1.5,
palette = c("#636363", "#cccccc", "#969696"),
lab.pos = c("in"),
lab.font = c(0, "bold", "black")) +
theme(legend.position = "none",
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA))
for(i in Sample_list){
print(DZpie.fn(get(i), i))
Your method is actually correct. You just miss placed +
before lab.pos = c("in")
Then you can save images using
for (i in Sample_list){
ggsave(DZpie.fn(get(i), i), filename=paste0("temp/",i,".png"))
Or equivalently but without for loop
purrr::walk(Sample_list, function(name) ggsave(DZpie.fn(get(name), name),