Under this link Microsoft describes how to use the REST-API to query the stored data from IoT Central. It is a POST
https://{your app subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/query?api-version=1.1-preview
and the body with
"query": "SELECT $id, $ts, temperature, humidity FROM urn:modelDefinition:fupmoiu28b:ymju9efv9 WHERE WITHIN_WINDOW(P1D)"
This works fine, but how do I query the data for a device model with components? I still get the Error:
"error": {
"code": "NotFound",
"message": "The requested resource was not found. You can contact support at https://aka.ms/iotcentral-support. Please include the following information. Request ID: 2383fajc, Time: Wed, 08 Dec 2021 15:32:22 GMT.",
"requestId": "2383fajc",
"time": "Wed, 08 Dec 2021 15:32:22 GMT"
Is this in general not possible?
Thank you init5
The solution was quite trivial and was already posted here by someone (thanks to the person who was able to answer the question for me). Unfortunately, I no longer see the answer here, so I am posting the solution here again so that others with this problem can find a solution here.
"query": "SELECT your_telemtry, model.your_telemetry FROM device template ID WHERE WITHIN_WINDOW(P1D)"
The "trick" here is to add the module name infront of the telemetry from the module. Hope that helps ;)