
Calculate combined filesize of thousands of files

We have a software package that performs tasks by assigning the batch of files a job number. Batches can have any number of files in them. The files are then stored in a directory structure similar to this:


The filename is generated automatically. The directory in .storage is the thousandths digits of the file number.

There is also a database which associates the job number and the file number with the client in question. Running a SQL query, I can list out the job number, client and the full path to the files. Example:

213     sample-data     /asc/array1/.storage/10/10297/10297-Low-res.m4a
214     client-abc      /asc/array1/.storage/3/3814/3814-preview.jpg

My task is to calculate the total storage being used per client. So, I wrote a quick and dirty bash script to iterate over every single row and du the file, adding it to an associative array. I then plan to echo this out or produce a CSV file for ingest into PowerBI or some other tool. Is this the best way to handle this? Here is a copy of the script as it stands:


declare -A clientArr

# 1 == Job Num
# 2 == Client
# 3 == Path
while read line; do
    client=$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $2 }')
    path=$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $3 }')

    if [ -f "$path" ]; then
        size=$(du -s "$path" | awk '{ print $1 }')
done < /tmp/pm_report.txt

for key in "${!clientArr[@]}"; do
    echo "$key,${clientArr[$key]}"


  • Assuming:

    This has no shell loops, calls du once, and iterates over the pm_report file twice.

    awk '{printf "%s\0", $3}' "$file" \
    | du -s --files0-from=- 2>/dev/null \
    | awk '
        NR == FNR {du[$2] = $1; next}
        {client_du[$2] += du[$3]}
        END {
          OFS = "\t"
          for (client in client_du) print client, client_du[client]
      ' - "$file"