One of the first things I like to do with any hello world app/UI is to have some sort of popup or toast.
It seems like listeners in Glance are fairly limited to a set of action types. How can display something simple like a toast onClick?
Is the only solution to start a service and Toast in the service itself?
You could use the actionRunCallback
and show the toast within the action by switching to the main thread.
text = "Show toast",
onClick = actionRunCallback<ToastAction>()
class ToastAction : ActionCallback {
override suspend fun onRun(context: Context, glanceId: GlanceId, parameters: ActionParameters) {
Handler(context.mainLooper).post {
Toast.makeText(context, "My toast", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
Note: Toast are limited in Android-12 and rather discourage but for a test app might be sufficient.