I'm trying to create a function, it exists and does not exist in the search feature. Condition does not exist, will display Error 404. Condition, exists. Then it will display from search. But in the code I wrote, it only shows Error 404.
This is my model:
function search_album($keyword){
$result=$this->db->query("SELECT tbl_album.*,DATE_FORMAT(album_date,'%d %M %Y') AS date FROM tbl_album WHERE album_title LIKE '%$keyword%'");
return $result;
This is my controller:
function search(){
$keyword=str_replace("'", "", $this->input->post('xfilter',TRUE));
if(empty($x) && empty($keyword)){
else if (!empty($x) && !empty($keyword)){
I've tried from this source, but it doesn't work. Can you help me?
There are several errors in your code:
ONE: You have interchanged your if statements. Like, if the search did not return any data and the keyword was not supplied, it is supposed to display the "view_error_404", otherwise, it is supposed to load data into the view "view_contents".You did the vice versa I have corrected that for you in the code below.
TWO: You are checking if $x is empty which will never be empty as you have initialized $x['data']. Note that the model can return empty data, such that $x['data'] is empty. Instead, check if the search result is empty by replacing empty($x) with empty($x['data'])
THREE: In your model, you are returning the query builder class, but not the actual data from the query statement. instead, replace return $result;
with return $result->result();
FOUR: From your if statements, you need to add an else statement so that if the 2 conditions are never met, it can execute. With your current implementation, there is a state which will not meet first or second conditions and will lead to a blank screen.
if(empty($x['data']) && empty($keyword)){
}else if (!empty($x['data']) && !empty($keyword)){
$this->load->view('view_error_404'); // replace this code with your preference