
A List of all flutter Icons

I am facing difficulty searching for appropriate flutter icons. Is there any website or any source from where I can get the list of all the icons available for flutter?


  • Default Material Icons: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/Icons-class.html

    Flutter custom icons generator: https://www.fluttericon.com/

    FontAwesomeIcons: https://pub.dev/packages/font_awesome_flutter

    Icon Forest: https://pub.dev/packages/icon_forest

    Icon Sax: https://pub.dev/packages/iconsax

    Ion Icons: https://pub.dev/packages/ionicons

    Unicons: https://pub.dev/packages/unicons

    Line Icons: https://pub.dev/packages/line_icons

    Fluent UI Icons (Microsoft): https://pub.dev/packages/fluentui_system_icons

    Rive Animated Icon: https://pub.dev/packages/rive_animated_icon