TFS and one-up releases

I apologize for the length of this post but I needed to include a lot of information for proper answers. I hope this does not discourage responses...

Our shop historically has coded web sites using Classic ASP with some newer ASP.NET sites configured as web sites. As everyone knows this means that the source files (*.asp, *.aspx, and *.aspx.vb (or *.aspx.cs)) files are deployed to development and production servers as is.

The configuration management process was (and still is) entirely manual and includes the following steps (requirements):

To make the situation more difficult (not with the above..but with what I talk about below) we do not follow a formal release schedule. As individual bugs or enhancements are completed they are released. This means we could easily be making several releases to a site a week. It is even possible that a given site gets two different releases to individual pages on the same day!

Since I came on board I have been trying to transition the team to newer technologies like ASP.NET web applications and ASP.NET MVC. (We have also taken on responsibility for stand-alone applications and console utilities used for non-web my dilemma still applies.)

The difference between these technologies and the legacy technologies is the pre-compiling. Instead of deploying the code-behind files (*.aspx.vb (or *.aspx.cs)) a dll or exe gets deployed. This type of deployment package has raised several questions (issues ??).

Up to now I was the only developer on the team working on these types of sites and applications so the conflicts and issues mentioned above where non-existent. (I skip the difference report step and the I do my own deployments.) However, I am trying to push the rest of the team to embrace this plus allow for better distribution of bugs and enhancement tasks.

We are currently using VSS but I am pushing (and will most likely succeed) in getting us moved over to TFS. Some ideas I have are

Any other ideas, concerns, points of interest? While I do have some flexibility of the process some of the requirements (like difference report or some way to easily view differences and having separate developer/deployer) are most likely untouchable.

Thank you so much for any help you can provide on this.


  • To keep track of different versions of the code and to help you manage very fast release cycles (daily) vs long term enhancements you can use branches in TFS.

    There is a ton of information out there on branching, but in general I like to try to keep things simple. For example, have one branch called "release" and another "development". Everybody works on the development branch but the code to be deployed to production is merged into the release branch right before release.

    This blog post describes the process: