I am trying to work with IMDb API. My code thus far is
import http.client
import json
import requests
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("imdb-api.com", 443)
payload = ''
headers = {'User-agent': 'Chrome/95.0'}
conn.request("GET", "https://imdb-api.com/en/API/MostPopularMovies/<API_Key>",headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
convertedDict = json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))
imagepath = r'venv/files/image.jpeg'
req = requests.get(convertedDict['items'][0]['image'], headers=headers)
with open(imagepath, 'wb') as file:
This allows me to download the image of the first popular movie, however, the image size is really small. This is the link that I am downloading. I know that if I get rid of everything after @ the image will become a lot larger. Is there a way to edit the link such that I can drop everything after @ and even edit the numbers after UX with code? Everything I try to do with string or URL operations give's me an error
Thank you in advance
(code example below)
Here's how to get a bigger image of the size you want. Given this URL,
There's a substring of it:
This has three important parts:
So, we can view the structure like this:
As an example, to double the image size:
(Click here to see: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZWMyYzFjYTYtNTRjYi00OGExLWE2YzgtOGRmYjAxZTU3NzBiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzQ0MzA0NTM@.V1_UX256_CR0,3,256,352_AL.jpg
import re
resize_factor = 2 # Image size multiple
url = "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZWMyYzFjYTYtNTRjYi00OGExLWE2YzgtOGRmYjAxZTU3NzBiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzQ0MzA0NTM@._V1_UX128_CR0,3,128,176_AL_.jpg"
# resize_factor : Image size multiplier (e.g., resize_factor = 2 doubles the image size, positive integer only)
# url : full URL of the image
# return : string of the new URL
def getURL(resize_factor, url):
# Regex for pattern matching relevant parts of the URL
p = re.compile(".*UX([0-9]*)_CR0,([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*).*")
match = p.search(url)
if match:
# Get the image dimensions from the URL
img_width = str(int(match.group(1)) * resize_factor)
container_width = str(int(match.group(3)) * resize_factor)
container_height = str(int (match.group(4)) * resize_factor)
# Change the image dimensions
result = re.sub(r"(.*UX)([0-9]*)(.*)", r"\g<1>"+ img_width +"\g<3>", url)
result = re.sub(r"(.*UX[0-9]*_CR0,[0-9]*,)([0-9]*)(.*)", r"\g<1>"+ img_width +"\g<3>", result)
result = re.sub(r"(.*UX[0-9]*_CR0,[0-9]*,[0-9]*,)([0-9]*)(.*)", r"\g<1>"+ container_height +"\g<3>", result)
return result
# Test
print (getURL(resize_factor,url))
Edit: Typo