
How do I make a clickable image in Clojure with Hiccup

Right now I have a logo and then a link to the homepage. I want to combine them so that someone can click the logo and be directed to the homepage. I can't figure out how to do this with Hiccup.

         [:img {:src "/img/logo.png"
                :width 70
                :height 50}]
          {:href "/"
           :style {:font-weight "bold"}}

I am trying to do something like

          {:href "/"}
           {:img {:src "/img/logo.png"
                  :width 70
                  :height 50}}]

But it's not working. What do I do?


  • Img is element inside a, not attribute of a, so use square brackets:

               {:href "/"}
               [:img {:src "/img/logo.png"
                      :width 70
                      :height 50}]]