
'Git is not installed' on intellij

Hi i am trying to link up my a java group project from github to intellij. However i keep getting this issue with Git, i download it but then i try again and it asks me to download it again?

enter image description here

I've looked up the 'Paths to Git executable' and this is what it shows

enter image description here

But i really don't understand why this is not working. I am new to github and would really appreciate some help on this!


  • I noticed that I had the same problem after installing Github Desktop for a few days. I uninstalled it because I was just testing it anyway and found my git in my system by the following code:

    which git

    That command showed me the following output:


    So I entered this into 'Path to Git executable' in the Preferences > Version Control > Git. And restarted the IDE. Everything works now...