I would like to mapping the network. I need to use retry if the mapping fail, and the maximum retry 5 times. I've tried this way, but I can't figure out how to add the maximum retry.
$net = new-object -ComObject WScript.Network
$net.MapNetworkDrive("$Directory", "\\IP\$Folder", $False, "$Server\$SQL", "$pass")
$Message = "Mapping : " + $Directory + "Successful"
Write-Host $Message
$Message= "Mapping : " + $Directory + " Fault" + " $_"
Write-Host $Message
# in here there is error handling.
}While($? -ne $true)
# in here there is next process after network mapping succesfull.
Anyone can help really appreciated. Thanks
There are many ways to approach this, here is one using a script block, note that this example only works because you're using Write-Host
which's outputs goes to the Information Stream and it's output is not captured unless redirected (6>&1
$action = {
$net = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network
"$Directory", "\\IP\$Folder", $False, "$Server\$SQL", "$pass"
$Message = "Mapping : " + $Directory + "Successful"
Write-Host $Message
$true # => if everything goes right $result = $true
$Message = "Mapping : " + $Directory + " Fault" + " $_"
Write-Host $Message
$false # => if fails $result = $false
$maxRetries = 5
do { $result = & $action } # do this
until (-not --$maxRetries -or $result) # until $result is True OR
# $maxRetries reaches 0
Honestly a much easier alternative:
$maxRetries = 5
1..$maxRetries | ForEach-Object {
if( & $action ) { break } # => if action = True stop the loop