
How to rewrite create full-text search index for Neo4j 4.4

Currently we are using the old method db.index.fulltext.createNodeIndex to create a full-text search index, but since this is deprecated in 4.4 how to rewrite with CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX?

CALL db.propertyKeys() YIELD propertyKey CALL db.labels() YIELD label WITH 
collect(DISTINCT propertyKey) AS properties, 
collect(DISTINCT label) AS labels 
CALL db.index.fulltext.createNodeIndex("fullSearchIndex", labels, properties) RETURN labels, properties


  • A possible solution with APOC:

    CALL db.propertyKeys() YIELD propertyKey
    CALL db.labels() YIELD label
    WITH apoc.text.join(collect(DISTINCT propertyKey), ", n.") as properties, apoc.text.join(collect(DISTINCT label), "|") AS labels
    CALL apoc.cypher.runSchema("CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX fullSearchIndex FOR (n:" + labels + ") ON EACH [n."+properties+"]", {}) YIELD value RETURN value

    Remark: runSchema needs to be used for schema manipulation operations.