
How to switch load-balancer from HTTP to HTTPS?

I have a Route 53 domain, which maps to a load-balancer, which maps to a NodeJS Express server (check it out here). But it is currently using HTTP, so I want to switch over to HTTPS. I also have an ACM SSL certificate ready to go.

I have tried adding a listener to the load-balancer...

image of adding listener to load-balancer

However, when I entered the address in the browser, it times out.

So, I tried editing the security group corresponding to this load-balancer...

image of editing the security group for load-balancer

But it still times out.

Thanks for any help.

Extra references:

P.S. Could it be a problem with the API itself i.e. do I have to add any extra configuration to the API?


  • Your current listener on HTTPS isn't working because you aren't pointing it at the same destination as the HTTP listener.

    Set your HTTPS listener's Instance Protocol to HTTP and its port to the port your API listens on - 31315.

    I tried editing the security group corresponding to this load-balancer

    This needs to be done as well. The load balancer's security group must allow 443, and the load balancer must be listening on 443. The only piece you look like you're missing is pointing the load balancer's listener to the correct destination port on the instance.

    Could it be a problem with the API itself i.e. do I have to add any extra configuration to the API?

    I wouldn't think so. The API probably doesn't care whether the load balancer listens for htts or not - the important thing is that the traffic is sent to the port the API is listening on.