
How to disable SSL verification in alpine's apk?

Is there any way to disable SSL verification at installing some packages?

I found how to add my certificate in trusted certificates, but I'd rather do disable this checking.

I need it to avoid following error:

SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed


  • For Alpine 3.18 and onward, the option --no-check-certificate was added to apk add, so, your best bet is to follow @Chen A.'s answer.

    Before Alpine 3.18, that introduced the flag --no-check-certificate in apk add; one way to achieve this was to use an http mirror of the packet repository rather than an https version of it, then you won't have any SSL verification.

    So, you could, for example do:

    apk add \
      --no-cache \
      --allow-untrusted \
      --repository \

    To find the right package repository for your version of Alpine, you have a look in the file /etc/apk/repositories.

    Here is, for example, the content of the file for the Alpine 3.15 image: