I'm writing tests using SWI-Prolog's PlUnit and would like to provide a better error message, perhaps by diffing what I've got from what I was expecting.
The following minimal working example (MWE) exemplifies what I'm after:
:- module(mwe, [parse_int/2]).
parse_int(Str, Num) :- number_string(Num, Str):
:- begin_tests(mwe).
:- use_module(mwe).
testcase("1", 1).
testcase("10", 10).
testcase("100000000000", 10000000000). % Oops
test("parse int", [forall(testcase(Text, Want))]) :-
parse_int(Text, Got),
assertion(Got = Want).
:- end_tests(mwe).
The output is:
% PL-Unit: mwe ..
ERROR: /home/bkim/Projects/swifun/mwe.pl:11:
test parse int (forall bindings = ["100000000000",10000000000]): assertion failed
Assertion: 100000000000=10000000000
A differ, similar to go-cmp, could present this result like:
- 100000000000
+ 10000000000
Which is easier to compare at a glance.
I couldn't find anything that performs this type of check for general Prolog terms, the closer being an example of edit distance between lists.
You should move the comparison into the test rule's head:
test("parse int", [forall(testcase(Text, Want)), Got = Want]) :-
parse_int(Text, Got).
This way it's more explicit what you want the test to express. And it allows PlUnit to give more informative output:
ERROR: /home/isabelle/foo.pl:11:
test parse int (forall bindings = ["100000000000",10000000000]): wrong answer (compared using =)
ERROR: Expected: 10000000000
ERROR: Got: 100000000000