
Anylogic: How to add the choice of route (based on route costs)?

In my Anylogic model I added a Java class MyRoute and a function that reads route costs from a database:

GISRoute route =
(double) selectFrom(odcosts)
(double) selectFrom(odcosts)
(double) selectFrom(odcosts)
(double) selectFrom(odcosts)
    .uniqueResult(odcosts.longitudedestination), true);
MyRoute myRoute = new MyRoute();
myRoute.route = route;
myRoute.cost = (double) selectFrom(odcosts)

How can I now add the choice of trucks (when they receive an order) to use:

A) Direct route between origin and destination at day time

B) Route via hub (origin -> hub at night & hub -> destination at day time)

How do I tell the truck agent population to look at the routes and the costs and make the decision?

Thanks a lot in advance!


  • I usually write this information into 1D or 2D Arraylists, depending on the dimension of the input information: ArrayList<ArrayList<Float>> routes=new ArrayList<ArrayList<Float>>();. You can remove the lanes that do not meet certain criteria like this: routes.removeIf(s -> s.get(0) != "myCustomer");

    Then iterate through the OD information and add the cost of each into an arrayList.

    List <Float> costs=new ArrayList<Float>();
    for (int route_no=0;route_no<routes.size();route_no++) {

    Then finding the index of the minimum cost like this:

            int indexMin=0;
            for (int i2=0; i2<costs.size(); ++i2) {
                if (min > costs.get(i2)) {
                        min = costs.get(i2);
                        indexMin = i2;

    Now you know that the cheapest option's index is indexMin. Then you can do whatever you want with this information.