I would like to show date wise item list in my app. The list will have a header with date and sum of a value of a column.
24.12.2021 | 25 |
Book1 | 10 |
Book2 | 05 |
Book3 | 10 |
This is the entity:
@Entity(tableName = "books")
public class Books {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
@ColumnInfo(name = "id")
private int id;
@ColumnInfo(name = "date")
private long mDate;
@ColumnInfo(name = "quantity")
private double mQuantity;
@ColumnInfo(name = "name")
private String mName;
I am trying to use nested recyclerview and have created a Parent class :
public class ParentEntry {
private double totalBooks;
private long dateToday;
public List<Books> books;
This is the dao:
@Query("SELECT SUM(quantity) as totalBooks, date as dateToday, * FROM books GROUP BY date ORDER
BY date Asc ")
LiveData<List<ParentEntry>> getAllParentEntries();
But I am getting the following errors: error: Cannot figure out how to read this field from a cursor. warning: The query returns some columns [id, date, quantity, name] which are not used. You can use @ColumnInfo annotation on the fields to specify the mapping. You can annotate the method with @RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns to direct Room to rewrite your query to avoid fetching unused columns. ParentEntry has some fields [books] which are not returned by the query. If they are not supposed to be read from the result, you can mark them with @Ignore annotation. You can suppress this warning by annotating the method with @SuppressWarnings(RoomWarnings.CURSOR_MISMATCH). Columns returned by the query:totalBooks, dateToday, id, date, quantity, name. Fields in ParentEntry: totalBooks, dateToday, books. LiveData<List> getAllParentEntries();
How can I query both the list and sum of quantity column and date in a single query ? Any help is highly appreciated.
For room to build a List within a POJO you need an @Relation.
So the ParentEntity needs to be something like :-
class ParentEntry {
long dateToday;
double totalBooks;
@Relation(entity = Books.class,
parentColumn = "dateToday",
entityColumn = "date")
List<Books> booksList;
So you need a query that then retrieves the non-list values (the dateToday and the totalBooks) with column names that match the member variable names, which could be :-
@Query("SELECT date AS dateToday, total(quantity) AS totalBooks FROM books GROUP BY date ORDER BY date ASC;")
abstract List<ParentEntryV2> getParentEntries();
e.g. from a books table :-
for(ParentEntryV2 pev2: dao.getParentEntries()) {
Log.d("PEINFO_V2","Date is " + pev2.dateToday + " TotalBooks is " + pev2.totalBooks + " Number of Books in list is " + pev2.booksList.size());
for (Books b: pev2.booksList) {
Log.d("PEINFO_V2","\tBook is " + b.getmName() + " quantity is " + b.getmQuantity());
results in :-
D/PEINFO_V2: Date is 1640124943 TotalBooks is 30.0 Number of Books in list is 3
D/PEINFO_V2: Book is Book1 quantity is 10.0
D/PEINFO_V2: Book is Book2 quantity is 10.0
D/PEINFO_V2: Book is Book3 quantity is 10.0
D/PEINFO_V2: Date is 1640211343 TotalBooks is 30.0 Number of Books in list is 3
D/PEINFO_V2: Book is Book4 quantity is 10.0
D/PEINFO_V2: Book is Book5 quantity is 10.0
D/PEINFO_V2: Book is Book6 quantity is 10.0
D/PEINFO_V2: Date is 1640297743 TotalBooks is 30.0 Number of Books in list is 3
D/PEINFO_V2: Book is Book7 quantity is 10.0
D/PEINFO_V2: Book is Book8 quantity is 10.0
D/PEINFO_V2: Book is Book9 quantity is 10.0
regarding the date issues (i.e. you only want the date part from a date/time) then you could use the following BUT it requires 2 queries and an abstract class rather then an interface and additional function to invoke both queries in a single transaction the Dao's. The Dao's being :-
@Query("SELECT date AS dateToday, total(quantity) AS totalBooks FROM books GROUP BY date(date/:timefactor,'unixepoch') ORDER BY date ASC;")
abstract List<ParentEntryV2> getParentEntries(long timefactor);
@Query("SELECT * FROM books WHERE date(date/:timefactor,'unixepoch')=date(:date/:timefactor,'unixepoch')")
abstract List<Books> getBooksPerDate(long date,long timefactor);
List<ParentEntryV2> getParentEntriesV2() {
List<ParentEntryV2> parentEntryV2List = getParentEntries(1 /* 1000 if precision to millisecs */);
for(ParentEntryV2 pe: parentEntryV2List) {
pe.booksList = getBooksPerDate(pe.dateToday,1 /* 1000 if precision to millisecs */);
return parentEntryV2List;