Recently, Turborepo is acquired by Vercel. So I was excited to experiment with that. I created a turbo repo project by running
pnpx create-turbo
Then I tried to deploy it to Vercel following the documentation here.
It is failing with error "could not found tsconfig/nextjs.json"
The error was actually caused at tsconfig.json file inside the web module.
The structure of the repo is as follows
- apps
- docs
- web
- packages
- config
- tsconfig
- ui
The content of apps/web/tsconfig.json
"extends": "tsconfig/nextjs.json",
"include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
Ideally, it should have been able to work as turbo should understand that.
I could finally deploy the web
project with following settings on Vercel
BUILD COMMAND: cd ../.. && yarn build
INSTALL COMMAND: cd ../.. && yarn install
Update: (Answer from comments and updated docs)
npm install --prefix=../..
(step 3.5).