I downloaded two open source blog engines (subtext and RaccoonBlog) but I can't get any documentation for either of them to develop understanding of the code.
Subtext is setup properly on dev machine and I can create new blogs, posts etc. and there is no problem as far as application setup is concerned. The main problem regarding subtext is that I can't understand its routing mechanism and for that I need some documentation.
For RaccoonBlog, I have problem setting it up on my dev machine. When I try to debug the application it throws an exception at
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(Tags_Count).Assembly, DocumentStore)
in DocumentStoreHolder class's initialize method. I believe it has something to do with RavenDb.
I have never worked with RavenDb before.
There's quite a lot of info here http://code.google.com/p/subtext/w/list. Particularly the request lifecycle page.
You might also find some useful info on Phil Haack's blog http://haacked.com/tags/Subtext/default.aspx
Another engine to through into the mix BlogEngine.Net http://www.dotnetblogengine.net/