I have this command add in my command line app.
def add(
priority: int = typer.Argument(...),
description: List[str] = typer.Argument(...),
) -> None:
"""Add a new task with a DESCRIPTION."""
todoer = get_todoer()
todo, error = todoer.add(description, priority)
if error:
f'Adding task failed with "{ERRORS[error]}"', fg=typer.colors.RED
raise typer.Exit(1)
f"""Added task: "{todo['Description']}" """
f"""with priority {priority}""",
It should read description of any length. But the problem is it stops reading after the first whitespace.
(venv) C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\fellowship-python\python>.\task add 10 Buy Milk
Added task: "Buy" with priority 10
(venv) C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\fellowship-python\python>
How to read multiple unknown number of arguments in to the add command as arguments.
Just had to use inverted commas around description (here "Clean House") for it to consider spaces. feels so silly now.
C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\fellowship-python\python>.\task add 10 "Clean House"
('Clean House',)
Added task: "Clean House" with priority 10