
How to check if a key with an specific value in a dictionary exist on Python? Dictionary with arrays as values

I have the following dictionary called the_dictionary_list:

the_dictionary_list= {'Color': ['Amarillo.png', 'Blanco.png',
'Rojirosado.png', 'Turquesa.png', 'Verde_oscuro.png', 'Zapote.png'],
'Cuerpo': ['Cuerpo_cangrejo.png'], 'Fondo': ['Oceano.png'], 'Ojos':
['Antenas.png', 'Pico.png', 'Verticales.png'], 'Pinzas':
['Pinzitas.png', 'Pinzotas.png', 'Pinzota_pinzita.png'], 'Puas':
['Arena.png', 'Marron.png', 'Purpura.png', 'Verde.png']}

I wanted to check if it has a particular key with a particular value (in its array), so I typed the following code:

if ('Color', 'None') in the_dictionary_list.items():
    print('This is True')
    print('This is False')
if ('Color', 'Amarillo.png') in the_dictionary_list.items():
    print('This is True')
    print('This is False')

The output was the following:

This is False

This is False

Which is 50% false, because the second if statement should print This is True, I tried to look for answers in other sites but it seems that dictionaries with arrays within are very uncommon, but legal in the end, how else can I evaluate if a particular pair of key-value actually exists in the dictionary above?


  • I figured it out, simply by using a function:

    the_dictionary_list= {
        'Color': ['Amarillo.png', 'Blanco.png', 'Rojirosado.png', 'Turquesa.png', 'Verde_oscuro.png', 'Zapote.png'],
        'Cuerpo': ['Cuerpo_cangrejo.png'],
        'Fondo': ['Oceano.png'],
        'Ojos': ['Antenas.png', 'Pico.png', 'Verticales.png'],
        'Pinzas': ['Pinzitas.png', 'Pinzotas.png', 'Pinzota_pinzita.png'],
        'Puas': ['Arena.png', 'Marron.png', 'Purpura.png', 'Verde.png']}
    def existe(llave, valor, dicc):
        return llave in dicc and valor in dicc[llave]
    print(existe('Color', 'None', the_dictionary_list))
    print(existe('Color', 'Amarillo.png', the_dictionary_list))


