I have some "Card" object:
@Table(name = "card", schema = "public")
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class Card {
private Long id;
private String name;
private LocalDateTime expireDate;
and I want to prepare some native query where I can get the List of expiring cards based on the days I specify. I have this method:
List<Card> getExpiringCards(Integer numberOfDaysToExpiringCard) {
return cardRepository.getExpiringCardsByDay(numberOfDaysToExpiringAgreement);
What is the most optimal query? I was thinking about native query.
Thanks in advance.
You lack some details about what are you using and how are you accessing your DB etc. However, I wanted to show an example using Spring Data just for the rough idea.
Your repository:
public interface CardRepository extends JpaRepository<Card, Integer> {
List<Card> findByExpireDateAfter(LocalDateTime expireDate);
Somewhere in your service or wherever you use it:
CardRepository cardRepository;
List<Card> getCardsWillBeExpiredInDays(int days) {
LocalDateTime someDaysLater = LocalDateTime.now().plusDays(days);
return cardRepository.findByCreatedAfter(someDaysLater);