
Install luarocks-3.8.0 on windows-latest github workflow runner with custom lua intepreter luajit-2.0.4

I am trying to install luarocks-3.8.0 on githubs workflow runner using windows-stable, but unfortunatelly I am not able to set any arguments with success.

I tried the following:

One of the Powershell commands I used, see below:

Start-Process -FilePath "${{ github.workspace }}\luarocks-3.8.0-win32\luarocks-3.8.0-win32\install.bat" -ArgumentList "/FORCECONFIG" -Wait -NoNewWindow

As you can see I also tried to provide a config.lua by using /FORCECONFIG and copying the config file from ${{ github.workspace }}\luarocks-3.8.0\config-windows.5.1.lua to C:\luarocks\config.lua,

but I always get this error:

The system cannot find the path specified.

I tried --verbose without success.

Additional info:

If you need any additional information, please let me know! I am getting out of ideas how to solve this!

A verbose output with install.bat would really help me out, but it doesn't seems to be working and I am unable to find anything about verbose output on windows with install.bat!


  • At the end I used the already builded version of luarocks (luarocks.exe)

    After that I simply use luarocks.exe install luacov --tree /path/to/lua. Lib, dir, include and share will be added by luarocks. After that I was able to use luacov with luajit, because I set the luajit path inside the tree command.