I am using p-picklist
and I want to edit target list span data used for displaying the value.
I am using the source code: https://primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/#/picklist
How can I make product name editable in the target list.
sourceFilterPlaceholder="Search by name"
targetFilterPlaceholder="Search by name"
<ng-template let-product pTemplate="item">
<div class="product-item">
<div class="image-container">
<div class="product-list-detail">
<h5 class="p-mb-2">{{product.name}}</h5>
<i class="pi pi-tag product-category-icon"></i>
<span class="product-category">{{product.category}}</span>
<div class="product-list-action">
<h6 class="p-mb-2">${{product.price}}</h6>
[class]="'product-badge status-' + product.inventoryStatus.toLowerCase()"
Turning the <h5 class="p-mb-2">{{product.name}}</h5>
into an input with [(ngModel)]="product.name"
seem to work.
In order to check if the templated item is listed under target
and not under source
, you can check the element's position on the DOM; if it is inside .p-picklist-target
, show the input
, else show h5