
Y-axis flip issue - Matlab App designer GUI

Based on this question Calculate Y coordinates of an image from graph point of origin I tried to do the same in app designer GUI but it does not work. I attached an image that shows that the image does not start from graph point of origin and that I get a new figure due to the set command. Any idea how to fix/do it?


function ButtonPushed(app, event)

    I = imread(url);
    I = rgb2gray(I);
    imshow(I,'Parent', app.imageAxes); 

enter image description here


  • gca creates a new figure window and a new set of axes if there are none. In particular, the app designer window is not a figure window, and so a new one is created.

    But you don’t need to use gca to get a reference to your axes, since you already have the reference in app.imageAxes. This will set your axes to have a normal orientation:

    set(app.imageAxes, ,'YDir', 'normal')

    This should be the same as

    app.imageAxes.YDir = 'normal';