
How to connect hive with cloudera's hue?

I install cloudera's hue and start server.

but i got an error on website( like below:

TSocket read 0 bytes (code THRIFTTRANSPORT): TTransportException('TSocket read 0 bytes',)

I checked the log and can see log like below:

QueryError: TSocket read 0 bytes (code THRIFTTRANSPORT): TTransportException('TSocket read 0 bytes',)

I use hiveserver2 and transportmode is binary.

How can i solve this problem??

ADD. I use NOSASL in hive-site.xml ADD. My beeswax server setting like below: { "dialect": "beeswax", "has_session_pool": False, "server_name": "beeswax", "transport_mode": "socket", "auth_username": "hue", "server_host": "localhost", "server_port": 10000, "use_sasl": True, "auth_password_used": False, "http_url": "http://localhost:10001/cliservice", "max_number_of_sessions": 1, "close_sessions": False, "principal": None }


  • I discovered myself.

    As a result of continuous web surfing, I found a directory and file where hue could be set. In fact, I could find many articles asking me to modify hue's setting file before, but no one told me which directory the setting file exists in. Eventually, I found out the location of the setting file through an article, and after unannotating "use_sasl" in the setting file, I modified the NOSASL of save-site.xml to NONE. This worked well! 😁