
Unable to launch IIS Express Web Server - Failed to Register URL - Cannot create a file when that file already exists | VS Community 2017

In VS Community 2017 (v15.9.26) I am unable to debug as IIS Express Web Server Produces the following error.

Output for IIS Express: Failed to register URL "localhost:xxxxx/" for site. Error description: Cannot create a file when that file already exists. (0x800700b7)

enter image description here

Steps to try to resolve the issue

  1. Clean, Rebuild, Restart VS, Restart Computer
  2. Deleted the IISExpress folder and re-ran VS SA Source
  3. Deleted the .vs folder and re-ran VS
  4. Created a new virtual directory SA Source
  5. Re-cloned repo in a new directory and started from scratch
  6. Running netsh http show urlacl showed no other process using port
  7. Removed the ComponentModelCache from the VS AppData
  8. Re-installed VS Community 2017
  9. Implemented a confirmed working applicationhost.config with updated references to my paths, still same port issue.
  10. Re-installed IIS 10.0 Express
  11. Turned off anti-virus

I should note that I have three startup projects running. Two of the projects (with different ports) run fine so I can rule out firewall or SSL issues. The third startup application only produces this error.

After trying all 7 steps and resting my computer multiple times I am stuck. Any further solutions/fixes to try would be greatly appreciated!


  • I found two temporary workarounds in order to bypass the VS error.

    1. Assign a different port number to the application
    2. Comment out the specific binding protocol in the .vs\config\applicationhost.config

    I am still looking for a more sustainable solution.