I have my own Python library that I would like to use in OpenRefine as described here
However, it seems that all the Python code in OpenRefine goes through Jython which supports only Python 2
Is there a way to run Python3 code in OpenRefine?
Short answer: NO. Openrefine uses Jython, which is currently based on python 2.7 and there is no immediate or short term plans to move to 3.X versions.
There is a trick to do this, as soon as you have python3 installed on your machine. Python2 allows the execution of a command-line script/tool, and collecting the result.
This simple python2 script will do that :
# This jython2.7 script has to be executed as jython, not GREL
# It allows you to execute a command (CLI) in the terminal and retrieve the result.
# import basic librairies
import time
import commands
import random
# get status and output of the command
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(value)
# add a random between 2 and 5s pause to avoid ddos on servers... Be kind to APIs!
time.sleep(random.randint(2, 5))
# returns the result of the command
return output.decode("utf-8")
I use it to execute local python3 scripts,but also dig, curls, etc...
Use case : Suppose I have a bunch of internet domains in column A. I wan to perform a dig SOA command on these domains.
This script is pure python2, doesn't rely on extra libs and should be working forever.
Disclaimer: execution of local code by a third-party app should be done cautiously.